RT @astro_reid: #Typhoon Neoguri nearing Japan. Takes up our entire view. Wow. http://t.co/dQEa1m2i7b
Internet is one giant waiting room of our time #wiseass
RT @HAL9000_: // my childhood on long tripsnnwhile(!there)n{necho "Are we there yet?";n}
Čtu si občas follouškovic bia. Dneska mě dostalo “The Screen is dark and full of Errors…” od @usiiik (Kdo to neocenil, asi nezná GOT.)
RT @zevloun: I put the gin in virgin.
RT @solomonstre: If you have trouble saying no, become an open-source maintainer. You will learn real fast.
RT @HAL9000_: When you are old, you can all tell your grandkids how you fought in the great iPhone vs Android flamewars of the early 21st c…
RT @caledoniacelt: @Iblogtoglasgow Mount Rushmore from the Canadian side http://t.co/GnBvMUYpbO
RT @paulocoelho: #Word http://t.co/HoISTm0ryC