« Posts by Davewolf



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RT @matusmikula: Hitler, Nietzsche a Schindlerův seznam: http://youtu.be/gjrQso3nOSA via @youtube Dobré, zlé? #veľminekorektné #British

RT @twotoneatl: "Give a man some code, he'll upvote you on Stack Overflow. Teach a man to code, and he'll downvote you." -@RandomStep

RT @itsWillyFerrell: Glasses make all the difference: http://t.co/eEQqVW59gT

RT @SciencePorn: Things that are cheaper than WhatsApp. Perspective. http://www.thesethingsarecheaperthanwhatsapp.com

tela sice jeste nevychladla, ale od ted fandime Svedsku

Why did a scarecrow win the award?

Because he was outstanding in his field


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Sice jsem nefandil nejlepe, ale taky jsem nedostal po hube