« Posts by Davewolf

RT @stary_mrzout: Ztohoven zveřejnili čísla dvousethoven.

Connected Windows laptop to mobile hotspot just to check mail and ended up with 0.5GB less on FUP because of #Windows #Update #fuck

RT @kudlacekjan: "Zlomit odpor brutalitou,kt.nezapomenou dekády.Čím víc popravíme,tím líp" Lenin,1922.Vpravo hejtman ÚK s.Bubeníček,2012 …


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Po uspechu navrhu na 40% zen ve vedeni vetsich spolecnosti je uz v Bruselu na stole dalsi navrh: do roku 2025 musi byt ve vedeni velkych spolecnosti minimalne 40% homosexualu…

There has to be at least 40% of homosexuals in management of big European companies until year 2025. #newproposal #stupidity #EU

RT @danctheduck: Don't 'collect' smart people if you aren't going to let them be awesome.

RT @itsWillyFerrell: Santa has elves… America has China.

A tea and Tuzemak. It has a special something to it these days :)

RT @joinsimon: "I'm moving to Sweden to escape Obama's socialism." <— My favorite tweet about the election after the results.