« Posts by Davewolf

Generations have been working in jobs they hate, just so they can buy what they don't really need #FightClubQuote #TEDxPrague

RT @stary_mrzout: Po úspěchu The Social Network chystá D. Fincher další drama z prostředí IT. V hlavní roli Brad Pitt, název projektu …


Tvaruzky + Plznicka = Home sweet home!


Sice nemam vlastni bydleni, ale mam v kapse klice od dvou bytu ve Svedsku. Good times to be homeless!

k zamysleni… http://www.simindr.cz/zijeme-v-dobe-kdy/

So how many days away are we from #Windows8 port to #RaspberryPi? :)


Nalozil jsem tvaruzky! Kdo byl u me pred dvema roky po silvestru vi, co to znamena
smile emoticon
nemuzu se dockat, om nom nom


Kids know far too much these days. Today in the doctors waiting room I saw a little girl playing with her Barbie&Ken dolls immitating the doggy position. I bent down and told her: “You’ll end up with little baby dolls if you keep doing that”
She replied: “I don’t think so, dickhead, he’s doing her up the ass”

Temperature outside: 2C. Real Feel: -11C. Are you freaking kidding me? O_o

I just realized I drunk 8 cups of tea with rum this afternoon. No wonder I'm a little tipsy! O_o