Přijde Indián na matriku a povídá:
Chtěl bych si změnit jméno.
A jak se jmenujete? ptá se úřednice.
Ten, Který Jezdí Na Železném Oři A Troubí Vždycky Dvakrát, odpoví Indián.
Aha, a jak byste se chtěl jmenovat?
#joke Přijde Indián na matriku a povídá: nChtěl bych si změnit jméno. nA jak se jmenujete? ptá se (cont) http://tl.gd/f86rc8
Even if you have better url shortener than Twitter it will still convert it to theirs so it takes more chars and you can't send it #fail
Fake live wallpaper – do it yourself (Tasker required) http://cyp.cz/iz5 #loveit One more cool thing and I'm going to buy it. #promise
Your account may not be allowed to perform this action. Why can't I send a tweet?
Finally I got it to work. Thanks to http://www.pogdesign.co.uk/cat/ . Now let's wait few weeks for the satisfaction survey :)
How the **** do I create iCal subscription of my favorite TV shows? :(
A ted neco trosku motivacniho
smile emoticon
It seems like #SteveJobs biography is really good read. My roommate is reading it two days straight only changing his position and location.