« Posts by Davewolf

I've done so much work today even while watching SC2 tournament. I'm so proud of myself right now :)

RT @white_kate: #poll Co používáte : ICQ nebo Jabber? http://twtpoll.com/yfmzpp

#Starcraft2 #dreamhack tournament finals between MaNa and Naama is under way. Quite a hell for commentators :))

RT @erben: Pokud budete mít tip na zajímavý vánoční dárek, tagujte #darek pls RT

Pretty much every interesting game is going to be released as late as in March 2011. What should I play until then? :/

Lately my WinMo phone battery is getting drained from 100% to 0% over one night. Is there any power consumption monitor application?


Facebook is like jail, you sit around and waste time, write on walls and get poked by people you don’t know


Kdo hledá jehlu v kupce sena je narkoman.

#gmail down?


Úspěchem diplomacie při slovotvorbě je rozhodně tohlencto označení pro tlusté lidi: plnoštíhlý. Navrhuji další: plnostřízlivý, plnohezký, … (via twitter) :))