Dear Eminem. Not only we share same name but we are both black on the inside too! Sincerely M&Ms
Ona: “Franto!!! Teď tady proběhla myš!”
On: “No a co?”
Ona: “Okamžitě volej na recepci a řekni jim to – ty umíš líp anglicky!”
On: “Helou – recepčn?”
Recepce: “Hello, yes – this is reception”
On: “Du jů nou Tom end Džery?”
Recepce: “Ehm…, yes, I know them.”
On: “Džery is hír…
I saw some ducks practicing their teenage girl faces at the pond today :))
Pristi tyden se uvidime v Ove!
Reknete nahlas :))
How much wood would woodchuck chuck if woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could if woodchuck could chuck wood.
Jestli si pamatujete, jak jsem mluvil o tom videu s vysvetlenim az 10. dimenze:
Tak dnes budu fandit z druhe strany
smile emoticon
dostanu po drzce? :))
How does it feel to be wrong?
Dobre rano! Klidne vstavani preji. Je patek!