Cleaning lady knocked on the door."Not now, meeting ongoing."She left and 5sec later she knocked on the 2nd door of the same meeting room:)
There is no pub with a pool within a walking distance. WTF?
Volby se blíží, tak kdybyste nevěděli, koho volit, mám tip:
installed Energy ROM
tohle je neuveritelne chytlave
Venku je dneska citit neco, co mi pripomina me detstvi, kdyz sem si chodil hrat na pisek.
There is something in the air that reminds me my childhood. I really can smell the same thing I used to when I was a kid playing outside
Why is calendar on HTC Hero soooo slooow?
50 5yo children cheering up when their empty bus arrived. That really made my day :)
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