« Posts under Socialní sitě

RT @pivni_ekonomie: "Vychytralý podnikatel" http://t.co/N5d1NTAIRf

RT @SciencePorn: Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.

RT @chovatel: Jasně, práce v teple, nezvedám těžký věci, ale už někdy někomu lopata provedla neplatnou operaci, byla ukončena a pak to kopa…

RT @SciencePorn: The surface of Mars, as seen by the Curiosity Rover http://t.co/Q4GthFxUxq

RT @HistoryInPics: Friends http://t.co/0cc8jNQl6Q


RT @SciencePorn: Coincidence? I think not. http://t.co/5ZjMY5NCBv

RT @BiIIMurray: Damn, I forgot to go to the gym today. That's 10 years in a row now…

The problem with Facebook
