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With all this attention to @MarsCuriosity does anyone even remember Spirit? http://xkcd.com/695/ Poor rover :'( #curiosity #Mars 

RT @itsWillyFerrell: It's funny when school textbooks try really hard to be racially diverse. n"Tim, Shaniqua, Pedro and Kwan were doing …

RT @ovanis: Máte na stole hodně CV, které máte projít a vybrat kandidáta? Půlku CV vezměte a vyhoďte. Přece nechcete lidi, co nemají v ž …

RT @itsWillyFerrell: I sincerely regret every nap I passed up on as a child.

RT @chrisbrogan: Doing something small is better than talking about something big.

RT @itsWillyFerrell: Your call is very important to us… Please enjoy this 45 minute flute solo.

RT @alian: Napriek vsetkym facebookom a twitterom je pre mna TOP zdrojom informacii stale RSS

OSN udivilo, ze boje v Syrii pokracuji i presto, ze je ostre odsoudila! :))

RT @stillinbeta: Just a reminder: A robot on Mars costs 2.5 photo-sharing services with weird filters #mpl

I just found out that you need to have 4000 of payments in #mbank to have 2% interest on eMax+ :/ otherwise you have only 0.5%. Moving on…