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3! 2! 1! GO!

RT @annaud: Geek challenge – http://bit.ly/MDTSEN (via @ra100)


Leaving the shower when you want to pee is like leaving the car when you are at drive thru


Dear Eminem. Not only we share same name but we are both black on the inside too! Sincerely M&Ms

RT @itsWillyFerrell: Dear world, Hello Kitty is no longer a virgin. Sincerely, Garfield.


Ona: “Franto!!! Teď tady proběhla myš!”
On: “No a co?”
Ona: “Okamžitě volej na recepci a řekni jim to – ty umíš líp anglicky!”
On: “Helou – recepčn?”
Recepce: “Hello, yes – this is reception”
On: “Du jů nou Tom end Džery?”
Recepce: “Ehm…, yes, I know them.”
On: “Džery is hír…

RT @itsWillyFerrell: Dear pessimist, optimist and realist, While you guys were busy arguing about the glass of water, I drank it. Sincer …


I saw some ducks practicing their teenage girl faces at the pond today :))

RT @SwannyMediaMan: My boss told me "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have" Am now sat in a disciplinary meeting wearing my B …

Steve Jobs teambuilding in Next