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Pristi tyden se uvidime v Ove!

That two hours were actually three and a half but I'm finally heading home. And yes, I have the keys in my pocket :)

That #awkwardMoment when you go back to pick up forgotten keys to work and spend another 2 hours working

That #awkwardMoment when standing in front of your apartment you realize that you left your keys at work :/

Flipboard for android! Yataaa! :)


Reknete nahlas :))
How much wood would woodchuck chuck if woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could if woodchuck could chuck wood.

How much wood would woodchuck chuck if woodchuck could chuck wood? #sayitouloud ;)

I'm looking for a place to rent in #lund or #malmo Any ideas?




Jestli si pamatujete, jak jsem mluvil o tom videu s vysvetlenim az 10. dimenze:
