Evil is back! http://cyp.cz/bct #diablo3 #d3 #blizzard Cool! Can't wait
RT @MaddyBridge: … your steak should be medium rare and blowjob well done
Also after five hours I've been able to root and reflash my new Kindle Fire with slightly modified ICS beta build. thanks to #xda & @nrgz28
Just updated my SE Xperia Ray to new ICS build. Getting better every day!
Such a shitstorm! o_O good job, @Vodafone_CZ
Linsey Stirling – Crystalize
Housle jsou luxusni vec!
Did I just make the biggest mistake in my life so far? Only time will tell…
Courts can really speed up their work by making first decision randomly. Side that lost will apply the second appeal anyway.
RT @mnumerato: Znali jste hlášku "vyhudruj mi pelikána" :D?
RT @TEDchris: This is really clever. TED2012 auto-tuned and distilled to just 4 mins. Thank you @musicalscience http://bit.ly/yAAmd1