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#Android action bar on the top is stupid. I can't reach it one-handedly :/

There is czech national free-of-charge phone number (with 800 prefix) to call the teleconferencing center to our customer. Nice :)

Speaking of Lumia: there's big Lumia advert on the bus station (mostly used by SE employees) right in front of Sony Ericsson complex. #Fun

I wanna buy 4-hour body from Tim Ferriss. I can order paperback from #amazon but I can't buy a kindle ebook? What the heck? #fail #wantebook

RT @MartinTesar: Honí mě mlsná. Dal bych si něco malého… Třeba sele.

RT @mnumerato: Potkají se dva kamarádi:n-"Tak co, jak se žije v Severní Koreji?"n-"Hele, nemůžu si stěžovat!"

RT @BiplavPradhan You make the road by walking.

OMG, I found only 1 (very expensive) tool to to block certain BSSID in WLAN network with same SSID on Windows 7. I can't believe it.

Remember? http://cyp.cz/a0v Installation wizard inside :) #oldtimes