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I was looking forward to splitkeyboard on iPad but it is so incredibly small that it's more comfortable to write on the original one #iOS5

RT @Medvidekpu: No. Pěkně ty aplikace na iPadu padaj.

Let's send to #Canada some requests for asylum on race-motivated attacks from gypsies basis :/

The more I have downloaded the longer it will take to get it. At least is seems like it at the moment :) Currently 5h remaining #ios5

Downloading! Can't wait #ios5

RT @tlamiczka: Amanita Design, nová hra, trailer, krása. http://youtu.be/6c23AI_GtPQ

RT @tombed1 Prý to není tak hrozné, uškodí to Mittalu a Ostravě. Tak nevím, žijeme vůbec ve stejném městě? #Ostrava http://bit.ly/q1jab6”

In reaction to #ITV Exposure – The Factory about #ArcelorMittal in #Ostrava ( http://cyp.cz/tck ) local head was removed from function

They changed our mailboxes so there's no "no ads" sign anymore. This is what I found after 4 days: http://yfrog.com/oeh2rfj O_o

I kinda wanna move away after seeing this British documentary about #Ostrava :( http://cyp.cz/tck