After week of switching between beer drinking and hard work I feel tired as hell… No party for me today.
Diky za #ffcz @tTaisha a @karelkilian. Napodobne! :)
I don't like it :/ #storm #bourka
Jede takle Einstein se Schrödingerem autem a přejedou kočku. Einstein zastaví, že se jde podívat, co s ní je. Schrödinger ho zastaví se slovy: “Neblázni, chceš jí zabít?!?”
Jak v prirode pozname, kde je sever a kde jih? Podle orientace slunecnich elektraren
#Netvibes is waaaaay better than #Google #Reader. There just isn't app for that :/
Remember? | A little confession to make: I had to think for a while how to use this kind of thing O_o
Tak nakonec nam zitrejsi #ovapivopopraci pada. Rymecka je holt tezka nemoc :(