RT @vaclavhorejsi: Pracoval, snažil se… chtěl jen domů http://cl.ly/3e2y0L4730173O243y0M a nebylo mu dopřáno http://goo.gl/tvIkn … R …
Nice weather – check, chair on balcony – check, latest episode of BBT – check, ipad – check, gin and tonic – check, nice evening – check :)
Jak dostat chlapa do postele, lekce číslo 1: “Řekněte mu to.” :))
And you can turn off this "Important" feature in #gmail simply in Settings -> Priority Inbox (thanks @vaclavhorejsi)
New feature in #gmail. Buttons Important/Not Important and Important label. I believe that everyone has already solved that by own labels..
Preaching about the end of the world is kinda pointless. There will be nobody to compliment you that you were right… #rapture