Zena je jako buchta, dokud ji nepreriznes nevis, jaka je uvnitr :))
I sold my iPad and bought some Android tablet. Then I begged the buyer to sell it back to me. Am I an iSheep now? O_o #mujsen #mydream
RTM for iPad just made me so happy that I'm going to gladly extend my Pro account for another year. #happy #rtm #rememberthemilk
It kinda looks like that Twitter with his UI design for ipad app inspired a lot of other developers – eg. RTM, MyPad or MobileRSS :) #loveit
Ipad version of Remember the Milk is finally out! You should definitely check it out if you are GTD positive :) #rtm #ipad #rememberthemilk
RT @karelkilian: Doporučí mi někdo fakt dobrou a funkční alternativní ROMku pro LGOO? Za případný RT předem děkuji!
Finally a sexy outfit! And the curves! http://cyp.cz/e7m I'm in love! #android
Na kulatem stolu o padelcich, zastupkyne tabakove firmy: “Prosim nepodcenujme to, padelane cigarety mohou byt zdravi skodlive!” (via twitter)
Vodafonu nejde sit v centru Ostravy a na jejich webu nejde pridavat na pizzu dalsi ingredience. A ja mam takovou chut na syrovou s olivama
frown emoticon